So you ask, what is the best way to make money online in 2022? If you have been looking online you have undoubtedly seen the number of ways there are to make a full-time income online. Honestly, it can make you want to pull your hair out LOL. I have personally spent thousands of dollars pursuing this very thing. I have seen people saying make money now. It’s all over the internet and it makes me crazy. Most are giving basic information that will get you nowhere when it comes to making money online. So let's talk about the things that were important to me when I looked into this subject.
We want to help you!
In this article, we will discuss some things that were important to me that hopefully will help you from going down the rabbit hole of possibilities that are out there.
I made this small list for ya! hope this helps.
Things I felt were a must.
- replace my current income
- work from anywhere in the world
- Make money while I sleep
- residual income
- An online platform to make as much money as I wanted (no limits)
- An online course that I could do at home when I had time
- support along the way (because I'm new and have no clue what I'm doing)
- A mentor that has done it before and has the lifestyle that I want to live
- No online store
- No inventory
- No dropshipping store
- I didn't want to deal with angry customers
- I didn't want any employees
Ok well, that's not a small list. Most business owners laugh and say that's a pipe dream. You will never find that in the real world, and they would be correct! However, in a virtual world using the power of the internet I felt optimistic! For those of you who know me and are reading this, you would say I'm more of a skeptic. The skeptic in me runs deep. Most would say I could find a problem with a bowling ball. Truth be known, I will over analyze everything. So much so I will analyze myself right out of doing anything. Some of you can relate. So I had to learn how to let go and trust the process so to speak. Well LOL, that was hard for me to do!
So I continued to chase the dream for a few years. Banging my head against the wall, over analyzing everything, figuring out why it wouldn't work, to the point I wanted to give up. I would go from online course to online course hoping and praying this one would work. In this business they call it shiny object syndrome. Hopping from one online business idea to the next. Sounds frustrating and expensive, it was LOL. However, it wasn't 100% bad. I learned a lot along the way. I also figured out what I didn't want to do or sell online. This took me down a path that would help me build the list you see above.
Come to find out after online money making ideas number 1 2 3 4 .... i quit counting, then I developed the list. The results of the list are.... I found a way to make money online that would ultimately replace my income, allow me to work from anywhere in the world that has an internet connection, and make money while I slept. I also discovered how recurring commissions month after month gave me the residual income I was looking for. I don't inventory products, I don't have angry customers, No payroll to meet and best of all I can do the things I want to do when I want to do them. No clock to punch everyday, and I can work from wherever I want.
It sounds too good to be true! I felt the same way. And my friends and family would say things like "If it sounds too good to be true it probably is" or "You can't make money on the internet that is for the big guys". Well I found that to not be the truth! You see I need to fix the thing that resides between my ears (my brain) and get rid of my negative thinking and fix my thought process. Doing this helped me see the other side of the coin and how this business model could work for me. Now I want to share it with you because I made a promise that if I could accomplish my goals I would help others do the same. You see, I know how working a job and making a fixed amount of money can limit your ability to earn money. Hey I woke up one day and realized I have no retirement. Some of you may be in the same boat as I was. So listen up and let me help!
My main goal here is to help you skip all the frustration, countless hours, and money spent to help you avoid all the pitfalls and protect you from the people continually upselling you more stuff. I want you to go from 0 to making money as fast as possible. Some of these guys and gals get 50k and up for one on one training sessions or a mastermind. From what I have seen 50k is the low side. What I will tell you is people that spend that kind of money get results and fast. However, If you're like me I didn't have 50k to spend. I had to figure it out for as little as possible. Now make no mistake this is a business and it takes some money for the things you will need to be successful. But it's so minimal compared to normal business it's almost silly. Ask any business owner around if anything on my list is something they would be interested in and unless they are mentally challenged they will say absolutely!!! It's a business owner's dream to have all of these things. The biggest problems with a traditional business model are employees, inventory, Overhead, or the cost of a building. All of these things cost massive amounts of money and can lead to financial ruin. What you are going to learn is how to bypass all the traditional problems and make yourself a life that is less stressful. Look, they say "money doesn't buy happiness", I say you're shopping in the wrong place! Obviously, I'm kidding but money can do things to help your life be less stressful. Wouldn't it be nice to not have to worry about things like, do I have enough money to pay rent, or food prices are so high I can't buy the things I use to. I don't know, maybe it would be nice to hire someone to clean your house. Everyone has different things that motivate them. Pick yours and let's work towards making a better happier life for you and your family. So watch our free training and I know you will be impressed. We are a group of people that are here to help! we can help you get to a place where you will be happier and less stressed. So come join us. It will change your life for the better.
On a side note, I hear people say "If I won the lottery I would do....." Well, it's my opinion that if you pass this opportunity up, you may be throwing away a proverbial winning lottery ticket. If you have read this far you know the right choice is to watch the free training. So what are you waiting for? We have the best training and support in the industry, so come be a part of greatness!